A man known as Naude was out on the waters at Pelican Point in Namibia on a kayaking tour when he came across a strange sight. The ghostly figure turned out to be a seal in desperate need of help. It had somehow become tangled up in a pillow case and couldn’t see.
But everytime the kayaker tried to get close and grab the sheet, the seal got spooked and took off. If only it knew the man was trying to help. But Naude kept at it, and after about 15 minutes he decided he’d have to try and anticipate the seal’s movements and wait for it to come to him.
In a last ditch ever to save this seal’s life, he would have to reach out quickly and snag the pillow case if presented with the opportunity. And then he saw his time to shine. As the seal swam by, the man reached out and grabbed the sheet pulling it from its body in one clean swoop! Amazing! 😀