A frightened puppy sits in the corner of his cage after going from a home to animal control. He doesn’t know what’s going on or whom he can trust. But it’s his lucky day…
The rescuer had this to say on A Place To Bark’s Facebook page: “Next dog leaving with me. Sweet boy… Extremely fearful, but honestly you can’t blame him. From a home to animal control. I really wish people would think things thru when getting a pet. Pets are for Life… Not just something to play with for awhile. This is one of the lucky ones, leaving animal control with me.”
That scared puppy in the corner of his cage? This is him now with the ball in his mouth. 🙂
What a dramatic change for this pup! He went on to find a forever home and “is no longer afraid of anything” according to A Place To Bark. And it’s all thanks to someone giving him a second chance and showing him true love.