Rochelle Andonian is working from home for the time being like many people nowadays, and her Golden Retrievers, Salty and Bling, are super happy about that! But as much as Mom loves being around her dogs more often, she needs time to get some actual work done. So she got to work on setting some new ground rules…

While trying to talk on the phone to clients and other coworkers, the Goldens have been more concerned with having fun rather than being professional.
“Now that I’m at home, they are constantly coming into my office and putting tennis balls on my lap or laying their head on my chair to be petted,” Rochelle told The Dodo.

Even with her two adorable distractions by her side, Mom’s been able to get some work done through all of the playing and barking. But to make things more efficient, some new rules had to be established.

We all know how much dogs love to bark when they think they hear something outside or someone at the door, so that became the main focus. When “MOM ON PHONE” that means “NO BARK!” her creative sign so eloquently displayed. 🙂

For the most part, it seemed to do the trick! Rochelle was now happy, and her colleagues loved the sign she made. While Salty and Bling may still have some slip-ups from time to time, they’ve been much better, but Mom wouldn’t trade her dogs for the world regardless. 🙂