Mia is like every other six-month-old puppy: full of energy and curiosity. She’s still being trained and learning the ins and outs of life, and crate training is part of that. She’ll spend time in her kennel and playpen when her mom, Christina Rosado, has to leave. But the smart pup has found ways to escape both!

Christina was getting ready to leave one day and had to come back inside for something she forgot. She walked into the kitchen, and that’s when they made eye contact. Mia was caught red-pawed trying to make a great escape!

The pup was balancing on the top of the playpen when she realized she’d been caught and it was all over!

The look on Mia’s face said it all! The dog’s timing was just off a little this time, and now her escape plan has been exposed. Better luck next time! 😛
H/T – The Dodo