Little did this guy know that he’d go on vacation only to fall in love with a dog, but that’s exactly what happened. He was out one night when he came across the stray lying in broken glass, so he approached her. She was covered in fleas and just completely filthy, but she was so friendly. He decided right then and there that he couldn’t leave her behind.
The only problem was that he was on vacation, and the place he was staying at didn’t allow pets. He saw no choice but to sneak her in anyway. The dog seemed so happy to have a friend and a roof over her head, he knew it was worth the risk.
He cleaned her up and gave her some food and water. The dog had an accident on the bed (whoopsie!), but he knew there would be some road bumps along the way to work through. He then came up with a very fitting name to call her: Chance. 🙂
The man could not keep Chance, but he made sure to share her story. They had so much fun together, and he made a promise from the beginning not to leave her to fend for herself. His mission was accomplished when he found the dog a forever home! It’s all he wanted from the very beginning when he acted as a foster and took her in. All of the hard work and risk-taking paid off, and he can rest easy knowing that Chance will never be lonely again.