The Arizona Humane Society received several messages saying people had seen a dog crawling under a house that was set for demolition. Witnesses believed the female dog recently had puppies, but they were nowhere to be found. So rescuers set out to see what was going on.

When team members Theresa Scheckel and Dan McGrath arrived on scene, they noticed the female dog looked as if she’d been nursing. So they grabbed the shovels and dug bigger holes on each side of the house to see what the dog was doing under there.

McGrath was then able to slide down into one of the holes, and that’s where he spotted seven puppies all less than two weeks old. After two hours of grueling work, he handed each pup out one by one where they were reunited with their mother before heading to the hospital for examinations.

The mother had suffered puncture wounds to her torso but is now resting comfortably at the Arizona Humane Society’s Mutternity Suites along with her puppies. The family will soon head to a foster home until they’re ready to be adopted out.
H/T – The Dodo