Lucky was born in a puppy mill and surrendered to a shelter. He suffers from a severe facial deformity, and it was hard to find a home for him. People just couldn’t look past his disfigurement when they saw him.
When Lucky finally was adopted, it didn’t last long. He was given up on over and over and bounced from house to house. His first family in Austin kept him outside at all times because he didn’t like their cats. The dog was tied to a tree with no real decent place to sleep. Ignored and neglected, it was the story of his life.
That family surrendered Lucky before they moved. They decided not to take him with them. He was not a true part of their family, and he was left looking for a home once again.
Lucky was adopted again, but it wasn’t long before he was abandoned once more. Back to the shelter he went. Lucky sure wasn’t lucky at all…
But it was a social media post that would change his life. A shelter volunteer took Lucky to a groomer, and the resulting pictures were seen by the perfect person. A friend of the volunteer, Jamie Hult, wanted to meet Lucky right away. And adopt him!
“It just happened to be somebody in my dog rescue world, so right away I contacted him and said ‘I want that dog. I don’t even want to foster it, I wanna take that dog,'” Jamie told iHeartdogs.
But Lucky needed a lot of medical attention. The dog had heartworm and fleas and was malnourished. None of that stopped Jamie though as she was willing to do whatever it took to help him. Lucky would go on to make a full recovery! 🙂
With his new home and new owner came a new life and a new name: Beaux Tox!
“The reason I named him Beaux Tox is because clearly he looks like he needs botox, and that’s okay. We appreciate beauty in all forms. And the dog bills cost me a fortune which is the reason I don’t have botox!” Jamie said.
These two seem to be the perfect pairing, don’t they? They’ve now been together a year and going strong. Beaux is living an amazing life and will never be abandoned again! It’s only love from now on for this good boy.
Photo credits: Instagram
h/t I Love My Dog So Much