Family Wonders Where Their Old Dog Wandered Off To, Then He Returns With A Note

Louie has always been a good dog, just ask his family. But even they were taken aback after one particular heroic act. It turns out this old dog is still learning new tricks!

Louie the sheepdog lives in New Zealand with Marolyn Diver’s parents. The dog had always been one to wander off on adventures across the farmland, but that started to slow down recently with his older age. So when the 12-year-old dog disappeared one day while Marolyn was in town visiting, they all began to worry.

The entire afternoon had passed when they finally saw Louie coming back to the house. And that’s when they noticed a note tied to his collar. Alarmed, they took the note from the exhausted dog to find out what had happened.

The note read: “Louie is the hero of the day. He led me to Maddy in distress stuck under a branch pile. Cheers, Rob.”

Rob the farmer lives about a mile away, and it turned out that his dog, Maddy, had run off earlier in the day. Louie showed up and got Rob to follow him, and the heroic dog led him to a pile of wood where Maddy was trapped. Louie helped Rob dig her out, and once she was free both dogs ran to the nearby pond and jumped in to cool off. Rob figured he better send a note home with Louie to explain where he was all day.

The rescue had taken a toll on Louie, and he was in bad shape after making it all the way home. He could barely walk that night and just didn’t look good, and his family was scared. But all of that changed when he got a visit from the dog he saved! Rob came over the next morning with Maddy in a basket, and Louie perked up and went back to normal! 🙂

Over a decade later, the dog they rescued from an animal shelter as a pup is still amazing his family. What a rescue Louie pulled off! They are proud to call him their dog, and it’s easy to see why. 🙂

Photo credits: Marolyn Diver
h/t The Dodo