We don’t know what these people just did, but their dogs are giving them some serious side-eye about it! Has your dog ever given you the side-eye look for anything? If you have a photo handy, submit it to the gallery and be sure to vote on the best ones!
#1 “My dog, Josie. Queen of the side eye.”
#2 “Our Office Dogs, Side Eye and Derp”
#3 “We call it the ‘whale eye’ when he does this”
#4 “Tried to get my dog in the howliday spirit, but she just gave me the side eye.”
#5 “That Side eye”
#6 “Molly clearly prefers to be left alone when using the Internet.”
#7 “My dog gave me the side eye”
#8 “Therapy dog at my dentist. Side eye game on point.”
#9 “Meet my dog, side eye Cody.”
#10 “My neighbor’s dog Ani giving me the side eye”
This list is closed for submission.