Vito and Bambino are two very large Great Danes who need no help seeing over the wall that serves as a fence between their house and the neighbor’s. So when a chocolate Labrador moved in next door about six months ago, they were excited and easily able to peek over to say hello!
But for Giuseppe, it was frustrating as he just wasn’t as tall as his new neighbors. His family noticed the struggle and thought of a way to assist their good dog so that he could come face-to-face with the Great Danes…
They went inside the house and grabbed the step stool and placed it by the fence. Giuseppe knew just what to do, and suddenly, proper greetings were in order! 🙂
This brought the two families together after having some nice laughs about the adorable photos, and it led to them getting the dogs together without the barrier between them. Giuseppe, Vito, and Bambino now take walks as a group and are becoming closer and closer friends all the time!
But for all of the moments the dogs can’t hang out, they have the step stool and fence to check in on one another. 🙂
H/T – The Dodo