Junrell Fuentes Revilla was riding his motorcycle through the mountains of Cebu in the Philippines when he noticed a dog chasing after him. It barked so much to get his attention, so he pulled over to the side of the road. The dog wanted him to follow, and to the top of the mountain they went.

The man was led over to a dumpsite where he saw a squirming bundle wrapped in a brown towel. He couldn’t believe his eyes — it was an abandoned newborn baby. Junrell immediately got the child to the nearest police station, and the Department of Social Welfare stepped in. Fortunately, the baby was in good health!

The story took to the local news, and volunteers from Hope For Strays set out to try and find the heroic dog. And they would come across a man who claimed Blacky as his own. He showed the rescuers his home and there the dog was with three other pups! It turns out he wasn’t a stray at all.

They were relieved Blacky had a loving home, but it was clear that the family still needed help. This led to a community outpouring of support including food donations, pet supplies, and more! Blacky not only saved the life of a baby, but he just may have altered the future a bit for his entire family.
H/T The Dodo