A crying baby can be a bit panic-inducing, especially for a first time parent. Is the baby in trouble or does the baby need anything? Or is it just a baby being a baby? There are several ways to get babies to calm down as they each respond differently to different techniques. But wait until you see what gets the baby in the video below to stop crying. 😉
The baby starts crying, but don’t worry mom and dad — the dog’s got this! As soon as the dog howls, the baby stops and stares at him.
But when the dog stops howling, the baby goes right back to crying. Let’s try this again…
The dog takes control of the situation with even more howls. And it works! Maybe this was actually the dog interviewing to be the full-time babysitter! With these types of skills, why not? He’s shown he’s more than capable of handling a crying baby. 😉
Too adorable and too cute. Pass this one along to your friends!