Tonka the therapy dog is there to help the people who need it most when times are the toughest. And even in the hardest of situations, he wants them to know they’re not alone.

Tonka has been visiting residents of the Cedar Pointe Health and Wellness Suites over the past year, but recently the seniors have had to go into quarantine as a safety precaution for the coronavirus epidemic. But the good dog and his handler have found a way to keep helping out.

One day, Tonka showed up to greet them from the outside through the windows rather than entering the building as usual. And the residents loved it! They were so happy to see him. 🙂

“It was heartwarming to see the look on the faces of the elderly when they were surprised to see Tonka in their window,” Susan Peters-Fineske told The Dodo. “When they would put their hands up against the window it brought a few tears.”

Some of the residents made signs to let Tonka know they appreciate him and to thank him for always being there.

Tonka’s work is not over, and he will keep showing up in order to bring happiness and put smiles on the faces of the seniors as the situation continues to unfold.
“I’m so lucky that I was there [that day],” Peters-Fineske continued, “to see that and be a part of it all.”