Is there anything better in this world than a happy pup? The answer is NO! It just warms our hearts seeing happy dogs living the amazing lives they deserve and flashing those pearly whites. 🙂
#1- Flashing a human-like smile! 🙂
#2- Say cheese!
<a href=httpsimgurcomgalleryOkeWsGM rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>imgur<a>
#3- Happy to have all of his new toys and treats!
<a href=httpsshaggyswagcomoffer=PawMyGosh1 rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>ShaggySwag<a>
#4- Moose loving life!
<a href=httpstwittercomgunarpantsstatus181177865684008960 rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>Twitter<a>
#5- That pibble smile!
<a href=httpswwwredditcomrawwcomments1watq7if this isnt the perfect pibble smile then i dont rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>Reddit<a>
#6- The birthday boy as happy as can be!
<a href=httpswwwredditcomrawwcomments34vg9lhappy birthday to my best friend rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>Reddit<a>
#7- Sharing makes everyone feel good!
<a href=httpsshaggyswagcomoffer=PawMyGosh1 rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>ShaggySwag<a>
#8- Smiling is Stella’s favorite!
<a href=httpswwwredditcomrawwcomments1xhypefirst post ever reddit meet my adopted pitmix rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>Reddit<a>
#9- A very Happy Birthday!
#10- Melvin has the most beautiful smile!
<a href=httpswwwredditcomrawwcomments2hr8bumy mom got a new puppy meet melvin rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>Reddit<a>
#11- So photogenic!
#12- Delivery day is the best!
<a href=httpsshaggyswagcomoffer=PawMyGosh1 rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>ShaggySwag<a>
#13- Flashing those pearly whites!
<a href=httpswwwredditcomrawwcomments1h5dlga friend told her dog to smile and this happened rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>Reddit<a>
#14- Enjoying the sun!