Abandoned Yorkie Found Caring For Two Stray Kittens
Thanks to the amazing photography of Robyn Arouty, we have this heartwarming story of an abandoned Yorkie taking care of a couple of stray kittens. In her own words:
“Just when you think you’ve seen it all.” <a href=httpwwwrobynaroutycomblogjust when you think youve seen it all rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>Robyn Arouty<a>
“They didn’t know how or why..” <a href=httpwwwrobynaroutycomblogjust when you think youve seen it all rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>Robyn Arouty<a>
“But there they were…abandoned in a neighbor’s yard.” <a href=httpwwwrobynaroutycomblogjust when you think youve seen it all rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>Robyn Arouty<a>
“I shook my head. Called a good rescue friend. And took out the camera.” <a href=httpwwwrobynaroutycomblogjust when you think youve seen it all rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>Robyn Arouty<a>
“She recently had puppies…& now she was nursing two small kittens.” <a href=httpwwwrobynaroutycomblogjust when you think youve seen it all rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>Robyn Arouty<a>
“Caring for them as if they were her own.” <a href=httpwwwrobynaroutycomblogjust when you think youve seen it all rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>Robyn Arouty<a>
“Protecting them and teaching them.” <a href=httpwwwrobynaroutycomblogjust when you think youve seen it all rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>Robyn Arouty<a>
“Compassionate and loving. And doing all the motherly things.” <a href=httpwwwrobynaroutycomblogjust when you think youve seen it all rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>Robyn Arouty<a>
“And happy to have the job.” <a href=httpwwwrobynaroutycomblogjust when you think youve seen it all rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>Robyn Arouty<a>
I have no idea how someone could abandon these precious animals, but what an amazing thing that this little Yorkie did! Be sure to share this unbelievable story with your friends.