Lisianne was out in her yard in Québec, Canada, one day when a stray black cat wandered up to her. She fed the cat and gave her water and named her Usagi! And from then on, the feline made it a point to keep coming back for nourishment and attention. As Usagi’s belly started to get bigger and bigger, Lisianne soon realized it wasn’t from the food she’d been giving her…

After several weeks had passed, Usagi returned with a litter of kittens to introduce to the woman who did so much for her! Lisianne brought the feline family into her home and called upon some friends and rescue group Chatons Orphelins Montréal for help.

It turns out Usagi had shown up with her kittens just in time as the little ones were suffering from conjunctivitis and having trouble breathing. Lisianne ended up keeping Usagi while a friend decided to adopt one of the kitties!

The five remaining kittens are happy and healthy and awaiting their forever homes, and it’s all thanks to their mama for giving them a chance! 🙂
H/T – Bored Panda