A man in Tulsa, Oklahoma, pulled over on a dirt road and abandoned his dog right there. He drove away, but the dog stayed in the same spot and waited 9 hours for his owner to return. But the man would never come back.

Trail surveillance cameras were able to catch the abandonment, and rescuers set out to respond. The Oklahoma Alliance for Animals picked the dog up and took him to their clinic for a checkup. He was named Rocket and given a clean bill of health!

“While we understand that people may be struggling to care for their pets due to COVID, there are resources and organizations here to help, including us,” the Alliance said on Facebook. “Doing this to a living, feeling being should never be the answer.”
After posting the surveillance pictures, they were able to track down the man responsible.

The situation is still under investigation, and Rocket remains in great hands.
“We will ensure he is vetted and has a full belly and a safe warm place to rest his head,” the rescue said. “We will ensure he never suffers this fate again.”