New City Ordinance Would Ban The Sale Of Dogs From Breeders And Puppy Mills

A proposed ordinance in the city of San Antonio would ban the sale of cats and dogs from breeders and puppy mills in pet stores. This new law would only permit them to sell animals from rescue organizations, animal control agencies, and shelters.

<a href=httpswwwksatcomnewslocal20201023proposed city ordinance would place ban on pet store sales of dogs from breeders rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>KSAT<a>

If the law goes into effect, the minimum first time penalty for a violation would cost the store $500. Supporters see this as a pushback against large-scale, commercial dog breeding in which the animals are born into cruel and unsanitary conditions and the parents are constantly bred giving them no opportunity to live as family pets.

<a href=httpswwwksatcomnewslocal20201023proposed city ordinance would place ban on pet store sales of dogs from breeders rel=noopener noreferrer target= blank>KSAT<a>

One local pet store owner, Jessica Loven, says the law will simply force them out of city limits, and business will continue as usual.

Will the ordinance pass through city council? Is this a policy more cities should attempt to put in place? Let us know in the comments.

H/T – KSAT News